
Emmorton Rec Scholarship


Scholarship applications will be accepted from all Harford County High School  graduating Seniors who have participated on at least one Emmorton Recreation Council program.

A point evaluation system will be used to evaluate student  qualifying entries.

To qualify, the entry must be submitted by May 1st of your senior year and meet the qualifying guidelines as outlined on the Scholarship Form

Scholarship Evaluation Process

The Emmorton Recreation council Scholarship Selection Committee will evaluate all submissions and recommend one male and one female recipient to the Emmorton Recreation Council Executive Board.  The executive board will review the committee’s selection and will have the final authority for award of the scholarship.
There are three evaluation factors for selection of the Emmorton Recreation Council Scholarship.  The following describes the three factors and their evaluation criteria.
1.  High School Transcript(s)
2.  SAT Scores
3.  Emmorton Recreation Council Participation        
4.  Applicant’s Written Essay              
High School Transcript: Points will be awarded based on the applicants cumulative grade point average as indicated:
1 point will be awarded for each 1/10 point above 2.0 cumulative grade point average
Emmorton Recreation Council Participation: Points will be awarded based on the number of seasons and the number of programs that the applicant participated in.
Each season of participation in each sport will count for 1 point.
Points will also be awarded based on non-playing time
 (ex., coach, umpire, referee, youth counselor, etc.) given to Emmorton Recreation Council programs or other community organizations.
Each volunteer activity will be awarded 1 point.
Applicant’s Essay: Points will be awarded to the applicant based on how well the essay describes the benefits of participation in Emmorton Recreation Council programs.
Maximum points = 10
Points will also be given for how well the applicant’s essay describes their education goals, career objectives, aspirations, etc.
Maximum points = 10
In addition, points will be awarded for overall content and style of the essay.
Maximum points = 10

James M. Harding Memorial Scholarship

James Harding was an ardent supporter of youth sports in Harford County, endlessly giving his time and energy through numerous organizations.

In Jim’s memory, Emmorton Recreation Council has created the James M. Harding Memorial Scholarship.  This scholarship is a $1000 cash award and will be available annually to a graduating Harford County senior who will attend college in the fall.    Applications are due May 1st of your senior year.

Guidelines for this scholarship will be based on volunteer hours and sports participation across the county.   To apply, please provide a list of all organizations served and sports programs participated in.  Please include approximated hours along with documentation from the organizations, which may include letters of recommendation.

In addition; please explain, via essay, your service to the community, how it affects you and how it affects the community, as well as your education goals and career objectives.    The essay will be judged based on several factors including how well it describes the volunteer service and it’s affect on the student and community, how well it describes the applicant’s goals and objectives and the overall content and style of the essay.

You may download the scholarship form from the general scholarship page.  Please note that your application is for the Harding scholarship when sending.  You may apply for both the Harding and General scholarships.

Please send applications to:

Danielle Steimel
2213 Old Emmorton Road
Bel Air, MD 21015