Rec Basketball




Picture Day scheduled for Saturday, February 8th in the Ring Factory Elementary Cafeteria.



Registration for the 2024-2025 season is now closed!



Season Information

2024-2025 Season

– 5-6 Clinic will start on Saturday 12/07/2024
– For age divisions 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 13-15, practices will start the week of 11/11/2024.
– The season will run through mid-March 2025.

Game Schedules

5-6 Boys (Updated 11/09/2024)

5-6 Girls (Updated 11/09/2024)

7-8 Boys

7-8 Girls (Updated 01/21/2025)

9-10 Boys

9-10 Girls (Updated 01/21/2025)

11-12 Boys

11-12 Girls (Updated 11/19/2024)

13-15 Boys (Updated 12/02/2024)

13-15 Girls (Updated 01/21/2025)

2025 Playoff Brackets (TBD)

Age Division Description

2024-2025 Season

Division eligibility is based on the player’s age as of September 1st of the season start year.
5-6 Clinic Girls/Boys (birthdate range 09/02/2017 – 09/01/2019)
The clinic program (not co-ed) is an instructional program meant to introduce our youngest players to the game of basketball. Our focus is on teaching the fundamentals, good sportsmanship, and instilling a love for the game of basketball in a fun environment. The program consists of 10 sessions held on Saturday mornings for 1 hour. The first 5 sessions consist of practices working up to the last 5 sessions which consist of a 30-minute practice followed by a 30-minute scrimmage with the team sharing the court. Scrimmages are not refereed by officials, nor scores kept, and are run by the coaches of the teams playing with the intent to give the players their first experience in a game situation and apply what they have learned during the season sessions.

7-8 Girls/Boys (birthdate range 09/02/2015 – 09/01/2017)
Teams (not co-ed) will practice 1 hour per week typically starting in early/mid-November (location and time TBD depending on which coach your child is assigned). Games typically start the 2nd week of December and run through early March. The focus will be on continuing to develop the players’ fundamentals, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. This age group follows modified high school federation rules (see league rules below). There will be a single elimination tournament at the end of the season for all rec teams.

9-10 Girls/Boys (birthdate range 09/02/2013 – 09/01/2015)
Teams (not co-ed) will practice 1 hour per week typically starting in early/mid-November (location and time TBD depending on which coach your child is assigned). Games typically start the 2nd week of December and run through early March. The focus will be on continuing to develop the players’ fundamentals, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. This age group follows modified high school federation rules (see league rules below). There will be a single elimination tournament at the end of the season for all rec teams.

11-12 Girls/Boys (birthdate range 09/02/2011 – 09/01/2013)
Teams (not co-ed) will practice 1 hour per week typically starting in early/mid-November (location and time TBD depending on which coach your child is assigned). Games typically start the 2nd week of December and run through early March. The focus will be on continuing to develop the players’ fundamentals, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. This age group follows modified high school federation rules (see league rules below). There will be a single elimination tournament at the end of the season for all rec teams.

13-15 Girls/Boys (birthdate range 09/02/2008 – 09/01/2011)
Teams (not co-ed) will practice 1 hour per week typically starting in early/mid-November (location and time TBD depending on which coach your child is assigned). Games typically start the 2nd week of December and run through early March. The focus will be on continuing to develop the players’ fundamentals, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. This age group follows high school federation rules (see league rules below). There will be a single elimination tournament at the end of the season for all rec teams. As of the 2024-25 season, we are allowing high school fresh/soph and JV players to participate in rec.

Points of Contact

If you have any questions or concerns, please email:

Age Division Boys Email Address Girls Email Address
5-6 Clinic Mike Sacra Paige Workman
7-8 Alyssa Heiderman Ashley Falcon
9-10 Dan Goodsell Asha Hall
11-12 Dulles Diegue Heather Morrison
13-15 Tracy Giordano Heather Morrison

Rec Chairperson: Mike Sacra
Travel Chairperson: Sean Crain